Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Andy Warhol Pop Art

For this year's Pop Art lesson, I decided to have the 4th and 5th graders study Andy Warhol. We watched a slideshow of fun facts about the artist and had fun looking at the celebrities and objects he made prints of in different colors. Students were asked to choose something from today's popular culture for their project. It could be an object, food, toy, celebrity, sports team, cartoon, etc. I then printed out an outine of all their choices. By placing their outline behind a white sheet of paper pressed up against the window, they traced their object four times. I really emphasized doing this neatly to show craftsmanship. They then traced over it in Sharpie and painted 4 different background colors behind their subject. Just as Andy Warhol chose interesting and new colors for his subjects, we did the same. I told the students they had to find NEW ways to color their subject in using markers. For example if they chose Spongebob, it couldn't be yellow! The end results really do POP in the hallway :)

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