Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tissue Collage Self Portraits

This was Kindergarten and 1st grade's first attempt at drawing themselves in the art room. We first looked at a couple of famous self portraits from the artist Frida Kahlo and Vincent Van Gogh. Students pointed out interesting things in the paintings such as that the artists included things they loved (Van Gogh including paint and paintbrushes and Kahlo including her pets.) We also discussed the reasons one might have for creating a self portrait. Before we got started on our art, we did a little standing up exercise to get to know our bodies better. I had them stretch their arms to the air, feel how their shoulders come out from their neck, find out where their elbows and fingers stopped on their sides, touch their feet, etc. This got them thinking about placement. I told them we would be drawing a full body self portrait. Once they sat down and had a sheet of paper in front of them, we started with our heads at the top of the paper. I gave them sample sheets of how to draw hair, eyes, nose, and mouths. They liked having the different options to choose from. We then drew everything step by step all the way down to the feet. Students were given free reign on how to design their outfit, shoes, etc. They were given a Sharpie to trace and sign their name on the side of their self portrait. These were cut out bubble style and glued down onto a tissue paper background completed the next week. To make this project a fun momento for their parents, I had them fill out a little "About Me" paper on the back asking how old they were, what their favorite color and animal was, etc. How fun will they be to look back on in 20 years?

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