Thursday, July 28, 2016

Blowing Kisses on Mother's Day

Okay so this project was inspired by something similar I saw online. Can't remember where I saw it but I changed it a bit and tried it out with my little ones. Mother's Day was coming up and I wanted the students to have something really sentimental to give to their wonderful mommies! I took a photo of each Kindergarten and 1st grader blowing a kiss to the side. This was harder for some kids to do than others but we made it happen, haha. I printed them out in black and white relatively small and glued them in the bottom corner of a white piece of paper. This was a lot of prep time on my part but so worth it. On the first day of this project we talked about why we love our moms, what they do for us, and what we wanted to say to them on Mother's Day that would make them smile really big. Then we used oil pastels to draw hearts coming from our lips and hands to represent our 'kisses.' Red, pink and purple liquid watercolors to make a splashy background. While it was still wet, we used glue and glitter to make it ever more special. Having the kids pinch and sprinkle over a bucket didn't cause too bad of a mess luckily. The next day was used to add special messages to our mom. I printed out some of the most popular phrases I heard from the kids and they chose one to glue onto their paper. 

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