Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Australian Koala Bears

Kindergarten is currently studying Australia so I thought it was fitting that we create some cute and cuddly koala bears. I started the lesson by sharing some interesting facts about koalas and showing them a short YouTube clip about them. I then read them the book Koala Lou. They pointed out the different features of koalas, their big ears and nose, grey fur, sharp claws, etc. On the first day every student got a grey piece of paper. They then drew a large oval for the body, and two half circles for the ears. I showed them how to add white paint inside the ears, for the eyes, and some for the mouth. This was left to dry. The next day students cut out their koala shape and glued it onto a dark blue piece of paper. A long strip of brown paper was added for a tree branch and then they cut leaves from green pieces of paper. They also used black paper to cut out a big oval for its nose. On the third day, students were given more grey paper to cut an arm and a leg for the koala. These were glued so that it looks like the koala is holding onto the tree. Finally, a Sharpie marker was used to add the black dot in the eyes, a mouth, and claws.

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