Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Catching Snowflakes

I wanted to think of a cute project to hang for the Winter Extravaganza concert and this seemed too perfect. I did this with Kindergarten and 1st grade. To begin the lesson, we read a few books about snowflakes and acted out how we would catch them with our tongue. The face and sweater were cut from construction paper. I'm so glad I had the multicultural colored paper for the kids to choose from for their faces. I loved seeing all the different shades displayed! I let them choose through a bunch of cute patterned paper for their scarf. The rest of the face details were added with oil pastels. I must admit, the kids were a little confused why the faces didn't have eyes, despite my attempt of acting out catching a snowflake, haha. I kept reminding them that if we were looking up, our nose is up top and our mouth is wide open, but eyes our nowhere to be seen. The students did enjoy learning how to draw a simple snowflake shape with white oil pastels for the background. Splotches of blue paint were added for fun.

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